

AppleRumors.NET is an Apple-centered News and Rumors site maintained by Gregg Mojica.

Apple Rumots.NET currently has three other writers: Zachary Wild, Matthew Schanzlin and Tomas W.

Gregg Mojica is an Apple developer and author.  Gregg founded Energy+Plus+ Mobile (focusing on Apps, books, and widgets)  in 2011 and Infinity Apps (which focuses primarily on apps) in 2013.  Gregg has also written three books:  Rome, Rome: A Quick Guide, and Nature.  Gregg’s books and apps are available for purchase on iTunes.  For more information about Gregg, please visit InfinityApps.org

Zachary Wild is a developer and blogger.  Zachary develops with Java primarily and strives to create innovative programs. As a blogger, he writes about the tech industry at large. Zach is a great addition to our blogging team!

Tomas is a tech enthusiast and blogger.  While an Apple fan, Tomas has explored Android, Windows, Ubuntu, and other tech innovations.  He blogs about the Apple and the tech industry.  Read all his posts here.

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