Breaking: Apple Announces Quarterly Earnings

Apple today announced earnings of $7.5 Billion on 33.8 Million iphones, 14.1 Million iPads, and 4.6 Million Macs.

According to Apple, the sale of 33.8 million iPhones was record breaking for the September three-month quarter. Apple sold 0.1Million more iPads this year than it did last year. However, Mac sales are down, at 4.6 Million units sold compared to 4.9 Million a year ago. Apple’s official conference call begins at 2:00 PST at


Apple Store in Brazil

Image credit: 9to5Mac

Brazilians: your lucky day has come!! Apple announced that it plans on opening its first Apple Store in Brazil by March of next year. The store will be in Brazil’s second largest city, Rio de Janario.

Approximately one year ago Apple confirmed that it would build a store in Brazil.